How To Write The Future

104. Upcoming Writerly Events, June 2024

BETH BARANY Season 1 Episode 104

“I will invite you to bring all the parts of you into creating an author marketing goal or goals. And a plan, a plan that is doable, sustainable, and oh my gosh, fun.”

In this episode, “Upcoming Writerly Events, June 2024” How To Write The Future podcast host, Beth Barany, shares with listeners the online events she’s taking part in this month, June 2024, and explains how you can get involved. If you’re wanting to teach writers, want to write romance and improve your craft, or learn how to develop and sustain your author presence then this episode is for you. Sign up to take part using the links below.


Beth Barany, an award-winning fantasy and science fiction novelist, teaches novelists how to write, edit, and publish their books as a coach, teacher, consultant, and developmental editor.


Teachers of Fiction Writing summit, June 15-16, 2024

Wanna Write Romance, June 13-16, 2024

Heart-Centered Marketing, June 25, 2024


Free World Building Workbook for Fiction Writers:

  • SHOW CO-PRODUCTION + NOTES by Kerry-Ann McDade


Questions? Comments? Send us a text!

Contact Beth:


Transcript for episode 104 - Upcoming Writerly Events, June 2024

Hey, everyone. Welcome to How To Write The Future podcast. I'm your host, Beth Barany award-winning novelist, science fiction and fantasy novelist and writing teacher, coach and editor, especially for science fiction and fantasy writers. I'm here today to share with you a few upcoming events for June 2024. 

If you're listening to this after the fact, then still be sure to check out these events because links to them will be evergreen. All right. So let me tell you about some upcoming events for June 2024. 

For teachers of writing 

The first one is an upcoming event. June 15th and 16th called Teachers of Writing. 

It's hosted by Daniel David Wallace. And this event is for people who want to be teaching writers or who already are teaching writers and want some tips. 

I'll be on a panel discussing some tips and best practices and probably some other goodies. All the presenters are going to be sharing wisdoms that they gained from their years of teaching writing. 

I have been teaching writing for over 20 years by now, about 25 years. And I've been solo in my own business about 18 years, teaching writers, everything from ideation, coming up with ideas; how do you sit down and write your ideas; writing your first draft, writing your crappy first draft; learning also how to develop your story and your characters and your world-building, all the way through to edits. 

I have a big program where I teach people how to do their own editing and how to launch market and publish your novel. 

So I've been in this business for quite some time, and it's amazing to look back and see all my triumphs and travails, and I will bring that wisdom to you. 

In this upcoming event. Again, it's Teachers of Fiction Writing. 


So that will be the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, June 15th and June 16th. 

So, You Wanna Write Romance? June 13-June 15

The next event that I want to share with you is or you could say it's the other one is overlapping with this one is: Wanna Write Romance? 

It's going to be Thursday, June 13th through Saturday, June 15th, with some pre event socializing on Wednesday, June 12th. This is hosted by Sue Brown-Moore, a long time friend of mine. 

She has been a developmental editor for romance writers and character driven fiction. And she has put together a phenomenal event for writers who want to write romance or those who are already writing romance and want to improve their craft.

I'll be offering a really fun demo workshop on using romance beats and character development arc with some of my NLP toolkit, neuro-linguistic programming. 

And I have two of my friends who are my demo students. I will be explaining six romance beats and character development alongside them. 

And there's a worksheet and so follow along. 

And that will be broadcast on Saturday the last day of the event. 

Be sure to check out the link in the description to get your free pass for this. And of course there's an all access upgrade pass for this as well. 

For Daniel's event, it is a free event if you want to attend live. And then if you want to have access evergreen access to the recordings, there is an upgrade for that. And just so you know, I am an affiliate for those two events. And so I do get a percentage of all the sales. 

All right.

Heart-Centered Marketing for Fiction Writers: How to develop and sustain your author presence and sell your books workshop, June 25

The third event that I want to share with you for the month of June 2024 is an event that I will be teaching. This will be at the end of the month. And this is co-produced, alongside Danica Bloom. She specializes in helping romance writers launch their novels. 

So I'll be teaching a class for her community and everyone is invited to join along. This is a paid workshop and I will be doing a 90 minute hands-on workshop. 

We're calling this Heart-centered Marketing for Fiction Writers, How to Develop and Sustain Your Author Presence and Sell Your Books. 

So by the time this podcast episode is going live, our cart is open for this workshop. 

I am focused on how to develop and sustain your author presence and sell your books without social media. And as I said, this is brought to you by me alongside Danica Bloom and her company, Author Ever After.

In this hands on 90-minute training, oh, I am excited to bring to you how to help you reach the people who will fall in love with your stories, become your readers and even super fans who will auto buy your every book. 

If you want to know more, please do check out the link in the description. 

I really believe, marketing can be an act of love. Marketing your beloved books could feel like an act of devotion. What if sharing your books could be a practice in the art of connection? 

I really think it can be. And believe me, I have learned through the school of hard knocks. I did not go to school for marketing. I did not even go to school for writing. I did go to school for thinking, you could say. But what I've learned in my almost two decades of business is that marketing is really about connection, really about slowing down and connecting heart to heart with other people. 

So I really believe that your book is a gift to the world. So how can you present it? How can you share it in a way that feels good to you? And to your readers.

We're going to explore heart-centered principles of author marketing and how they can apply to you. We're going to identify sustainable author marketing practices that are meant to fit into your life. And here sustainable really means you can sustain them because you love them.What could they be? We're going to help you clarify your values. 

And I say we, because I'm going to get Danica to come in and be a part of the conversation too, from time to time. I'm going to invite you to clarify your values and how do you actually translate them into sustainable author marketing habits and activities that you feel good about maintaining day in and day out. And I will invite you to bring all the parts of you into creating an author marketing goal or goals. And a plan, a plan that is doable, sustainable, and oh my gosh, fun. 

If you come live, you get to ask questions and, you also have evergreen access to the replay. There'll be a downloadable PDF handout. So that you can integrate this material, let it settle into all of the parts of you that know how to use this material and help you devise a plan of action. And then we also have some fun discounts, if you want to check out some of my other courses, several courses, additional courses on other parts of author marketing. 

So be sure to check out how to enroll in this course. And, we look forward to seeing you there. 

All right. 

That's it for my wrap-up of courses and workshops and appearances for the month of June 2024. 

Get notified

Hope to see you there, if not at some future event. Be sure to sign up for my World Building Workbook, if you would like some tips around world building. That will also get you into the newsletter list where you'll be notified of every podcast episode. And all of my events as a writing teacher, and even hear tidbits every once in a while about my other creative projects, my novels, my film, and hopefully upcoming film projects as I get that going. 

Sign off - Take Care! And, Write Long and Prosper

So everyone take care of yourself. Take care of your heart. Take care of your creativity. 

And that's it for this week, 

Write long and prosper.