How To Write The Future
The How to Write The Future Podcast offers fiction writing tips for science fiction and fantasy authors who want to create optimistic stories because when we vision what is possible, we help make it so. By science fiction and fantasy author and fiction writing coach, Beth Barany.
How To Write The Future
135. Creative Writing Resources: Power Up Your Fiction in 2025
“All I have to say, I know it can take a long time. And I really respect that it takes time to be ready to take the next step.“
In the first episode of 2025, How To Write the Future podcast host, Beth Barany shares creative writing resources to help writers kick start their 2025 by focusing on their craft. From free downloadable workbooks, virtual courses, and supportive groups to even being personally invited to connect and ask your questions to Beth herself, this episode is all about how you can take control of your writing journey for the year ahead.
GET HELP WITH YOUR WORLD BUILDING - START HERE: Free World Building Workbook for Fiction Writers:
Creativity Coach for Writers:
Mastering Deep Point of View by Alice Gaines:
Sign up for the 30-minute Story Success Clinic with Beth Barany:
Get support for your fiction writing by a novelist and writing teacher and coach. Schedule an exploratory call here and see if Beth can support you today:
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Contact Beth: https://writersfunzone.com/blog/podcast/#tve-jump-185b4422580
Email: beth@bethbarany.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bethbarany/
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135. Creative Writing Resources: Power Up Your Fiction in 2025
[00:00] Introduction
BETH BARANY: Hey everyone, Beth. Barany here of How To Write The Future podcast. In this podcast, I teach you tips and tools on how you can write your science fiction and fantasy novels. And specifically, I care very much about using story to create positive, impactful words that we then impact our readers with.So today I'm going to talk about how you can start your 2025 strong with writing resources. And of course, if you're listening to this after 2025-- time travel!-- also these resources are evergreen and most likely will still be around because they have been around for a long time.
I've been in business for 18 plus years and helping writers for actually a lot longer than that. So I'm very excited to bring to you today a few of my resources that I think that you will like.
All right. So calling up my notes here.
[00:57] Deep Point of View by Alice Gaines
BETH BARANY: Now there's a lot of wonderfulresources I could share with you. So I share- I am coming up.. So I have chosen some of them to share with you today.
So the first up is, and in no particular order, becauseI love all of these things-- If you are a writer working in your first draft, you might be wondering about point of view and you might be wondering: how do I deepen my point of view?
Let me tell ya. I have a book on that topic,
Written by Alice Gaines. Now Alice is a wonderful writing teacher and a working writer. And we teamed up and she taught a fabulous workshop to my community. And then we turned that into a slim, practical book that will help you take the steps you need so that you can create deep point of view. It's called Mastering Deep Point of View, Simple Steps to Make Your Stories Irresistible to Your Readers.Alice Gaines is a USA Today bestselling author. It's a short book at 61 pages, great pocket size. And of course it's also available in print and digital. I really recommend it if you are looking for some very specific craft techniques on how to deepen point of view.
[02:13] Trust Your Creative Heart Roadmap
BETH BARANY: Next up, I want to highlight a free resource. If you are wonderinghow to do this whole novel writing thing, and you just want to snapshot little mini workbook, I highly recommend my Trust Your Creative Heart Roadmap. I put everything that I know into this high-level overview that comes with a little workbook and even with little free modules that you can listen to and get to know the process of how do you go from idea to finished product.
[02:44] Plan Your Novel, Like A Pro: And Have Fun Doing It
BETH BARANY: And if you want something more after this free workbook,
I highly recommend.that you check out my Plan Your Novel Like A Pro: And Have Fun Doing It book. This book is available in print and in digital, where all books are sold. I co-wrote it with my husband, Ezra Barany, who is a thriller writer, because we have two very different approaches to story development. This book not only will help you go from seedling to finished outline or plan, but it will walk you through every step of the way. There's over 30 chaptersand it also comes with a nicedigital workbook and highly recommend that.
[03:22] Start or Finish Your Novel One-on-One Mentorship Program
BETH BARANY: So if this is the yearthat you are deciding: "I'm going to write my novel, I'm going to edit my novel, I'm going to publish my novel"-- maybe you aren't going to do all of those things in this year, but maybe you want to do one of them. And if you are struggling with starting your first draftor actually finishing your first draft, I have a highly customized, personalized one-on-one program that I have put together to help writers just like you.It's called Start or Finish Your Novel One-on-One Mentorship Program.
And it's really designed for us to bein coaching sessions together. It's five coaching sessions for $2,000. Yes, it is not cheap. I work with people who want and crave that one-on-one highly customized experience because you want to get your book done. And, often the difference between not working on it and working on it is having a experienced guide, like myself, helping you with it.
So go and check that out, if that is right for you.
[04:21] Our 12-month small Group Mastermind Program for Science Fiction and Fantasy
BETH BARANY: Okay. Now, if you're further along and you've written your first draft of your science fiction or fantasy novel, or some wonderful speculative fiction blend,then come and check out our group mentorship program. This is a 12-month small Group Mastermind Program with myself and my husband who are both professional novelists, that will help you take your first draftand then get it ready for publication. We understand all the hard work that you put into creating your first draft and congratulations. That's amazing.
I know what that's like. I've written like 20 manuscripts. I know what that's like. We'll help you transform your draftinto a publish-ready masterpiece. If you're ready for this level of commitment and learning and fun in our small group that takes place over 12 months, come and check that out. Enrollment is open all the time. And it does require 12 months of a commitment minimum. You may not get your book completely everywhere where you want it to go in 12 months and that's okay. This is a wonderfulincubator environment where you can come get all your questions answered, get feedback on your work, if you want to workat the intermediate or advanced leveland be in a small group where you get to give support, receive support, and learn how to give feedback and learn the craft of fictionand learn how to turn your manuscript into something that you are proud to publish. So excited about that.
[05:52] Passionate about Book Coaching
BETH BARANY: I'm really here as a working novelist as a writing teacher and as a coach creativity coach who focuses on books. So you can also call me a book coach.
AndI want to say that this is my passion. This is my life. And I create all of these products and services because I'm passionate about this process and because also I'm the kind of person who needs to have her own process. And because I have the experience and interest of being a teacher, I can turn all of that into something that is usable and doable for you.
Now, of course, I have a lot more resources.
[06:29] World Building Workbook for Fiction Writers
BETH BARANY: So if you just want to get started with us, you could start with the World Building Workbook for Fiction Writers, which a lot of podcasts listeners have started with, so that you can work through and think through all of the world building for your storyworld.
[06:43] Where do you start? I don't even know.
BETH BARANY: And one last thing, if you don't even know where to begin, I totally get it.
Oh my God. I spent from age 18 to about 28, 29, I really,did not know how to be a novelist. I really want it to be a novelist, but I didn't know how to be a novelist. And so all I knew how to do was write and keep a journal. And I started with journalism and that was a really good place to begin. And I read a lot and learned a lot and read a ton of books about writing.
All I have to say, I know it can take a long time. And I really respect that it takes time to be ready to take the next step.
[07:17] Five-day Writers Motivation Mini-course
BETH BARANY: So, if you want to just start and dabble at the smallest level, then I highly recommend that you check out my newsletter. It's called Creativity Sparks.And when you sign up for Creativity Sparks, you will also get a five-day Writers Motivation Mini-course, which will allow you to journal for yourself -- and you're invited to share your answers with me-- about your creative process, about what you want as a writer. So that's often a really great place to begin is in a small course. It asks you one question at a time. It's five days. You can email me your answers. I will get them. And I do respond.
[07:54] Questions? Contact me. Need resources? Let me know which.
BETH BARANY: All right.
That's it for these resources for you in 2025 and beyond. If there is something that you want as a writer,please let me know.Go ahead and contact me @BethBarany through all the socials, my website, Beth Barany dot com. You'll see my contact page: beth at Beth Barany dot com. It's very easy to contact me.And just go ahead and let me know:
What is the resource that you would like?
What are you yearning for? As you look forward into 2025 and beyond, what is it that you wish for? What is it that you yearn for? I'd love to hear. All right. That's it for this week, everyone.Write long and prosper.